1. Make a Decision!
Decide to do the 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge, and stick to that decision for 30 days. Its amazing how 30 days of great habits can change your life!
Tell others that you have accepted the 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge- #30DayWLChallenge
*Consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program.

2. Challenge Others!
Challenge others to participate! Do you have the guts to challenge 5 others, 10 others, 100 others or more?
Be part of this movement! Working together we can reduce the Obesity Epidemic worldwide!
Example: I challenge you to the #30DayWLChallenge – www.30dayweightlosschallenge.com

3. Be Accountable
Accountability is key. Show the world that you are doing what you said you were going to do!
Everyday post your daily activity. See Example below:
Day 1 – #30DayWLChallenge – www.30dayweightlosschallenge.com –